Jessica Cavallaro // International Women’s Week Series I


Nothing makes me more proud of being a woman than seeing and experiencing the positive effects of women supporting one another.

Introducing part four of our International Women’s Week Series means getting to know the depths of Jessica Cavallaro’s thoughts, feelings and experiences on the sisterhood that surrounds womanhood. Here’s what Jess had to say…

What is your favourite part about being a woman?

Nothing makes me more proud of being a woman than seeing and experiencing the positive effects of women supporting one another. It is such a powerful and magical thing – I truly believe in girl power! Women are strong, and resilient, but we need each other! That’s why I think it’s so important that women not compete against, but instead support and uplift each other because that way, we all win. We all contributed, and so we all succeed.

Beyond the curated world of social media, do you have any rituals that help you to remain true and authentic to yourself?

Social media is a very powerful and influential tool and I myself have definitely felt the pressures of it, particularly working in the fashion industry. My strategy is to monitor and limit my use. I try not to be on social media for more than 20-30 minutes at one time because it is so easy to get roped in and without realising, waste hours staring at a phone screen and I think that is when it becomes unhealthy. I also try not to look at social media first thing in the morning. I did this for the longest time and it was such a bad habit! Instead, as soon as I wake up I get out of bed, have a glass of water, get some fresh air and if I don’t have work, I’ll play with my dog or do something productive like run errands or read and try not to check social media for at least an hour. It’s a minor thing but I feel so much better! I hate the thought of my day revolving around my phone. It is important to stay grounded, remember that nothing and no one is perfect (even if it seems that way), and if I ever catch myself obsessing over something unimportant, I always think of all the things I am grateful for and the little blessings I often take for granted.

What is the best advice you have received?

My mum is the person I always look to for advice and guidance and from a young age, she has instilled the importance of having compassion for other people. The best advice she has given me is to always show mercy and kindness to everyone, and to put myself in other people’s shoes and try and see the perspectives of people I don’t understand. This wasn’t always easy, particularly as a child when dealing with bullies at school or even now when I encounter people that are unkind because it’s so much easier to be defensive or to react. But instead, she has taught me to always be peaceful and kind and to think beyond that moment. It’s so much healthier for your being to let things roll off your shoulders and to have empathy. When you let go of hurt or resentment I think it is very freeing and choosing kindness makes you feel good about yourself.

What do you use as a creative outlet?

I love to draw! In my free time my favourite thing to do is design and draw clothing. No fashion houses are going to be knocking on my door any time soon I am not very good, but I really enjoy it! Fashion is a huge passion of mine and I’m actually learning (slowly) how to sew so I would love to be able to make something I drew, that would be very cool. 

I also love making personalised cards for my friends and family. I love birthdays and special occasions because my favourite part of their gift is the card! I put my primary school arts and crafts skills to good use and get out the glitter and the pipe cleaners. Each card is one of a kind and it always makes the person laugh which is the best part.


Amelia Strofield // International Women’s Week Series I